VLAN Configuration Example

VLAN Configuration
Note: The I.P addresses configured between the routers are in the format of 192.168.x.x/24 for routers.

In this setup, 2 routers and 2 switches have been configured. 4 PCs are connected to switches on which VLAN configuration has been done. At the switch, two ports towards the customer or PC1 and PC2 end have been configured with untagged ports 10 and 20 respectively. Towards the network or router side, one port has been configured with tagged 10 and 20 configuration. The same has been repeated at the other side of the network.

When PC1 tries to ping PC3, a data packet arrives at the switch and is given a tag of 10. This packet is forwarded to Router R1 where the two interfaces used have been bridged. The data packet is forwarded to Router R2 with the help of Trunk port. At Router R2, the two used ports are bridged which forward the data packet to the switch. Since, the port used at switch from the network side, accepts tagged traffic, the data packet is allowed to be forwarded to the desired host.

The above mentioned features are offered and supported by VCL-MX-50xx family of IP/MPLS Routers.