IPsec Configuration Example

Note: The I.P addresses configured between the routers are in the format of 192.168.x.x/24 for routers.

In this setup, the connectivity of the 4 routers R1, R2, R3 and R4 is established using a dynamic routing protocol i.e. OSPF. Once the connectivity is established PC1 is able to ping PC2.

The IPsec tunnel configuration is done at R1 and R4.

The encryption and hash algorithm used is “aes128” and “sha512” for esp-group and ike-group.

The Authentication mode used is pre-shared-secret.

The Authentication key used is 123456.

IPsec interface at R1 is eth1 and at R4 is eth3.

The local-address at R1 is configured to and at R4 it is

The local prefix is configured to for R1 and at R4 it is

The remote prefix is configured to for R1 and at R4 it is

Post configuring the routers, IPsec tunnel is established between the routers and PCs are able to communicate with each other in encrypted format.
The above mentioned features are offered and supported by VCL-MX-50xx family of IP/MPLS Routers.