BGP Configuration Example

BGP Configuration
Note: The I.P addresses configured between the routers are in the format of 192.168.x.x/24 for routers.

In this setup, 2 PC are connected at routers R1 and R3.

The routers R1, R2 and R3 have been configured with router-id,, and respectively.

Three routers have been configured with BGP protocol where R2 and R3 are maintaining an IBGP neighborship with AS-200. R1 and R2 are configured in different Autonomous System i.e. AS-100 and AS-200 while maintaining an EBGP neighborship.

The BGP routing protocol maintains 3 types of table which makes the communication between hosts possible.

1 BGP Neighbor table that contains data about BGP neighbors. Considering the database of router R1, it would maintain a neighbor table which will have information about neighbor Routers R2 and R3.
2 BGP Table (BGP RIB) that contains the network layer reachability information (NLRI). BGP table contains all the routes from all the neighbors. Considering the database of router R1, it would maintain a BGP table which will have information about all routes to Router R2 and R3.
3 BGP Routing Table which is the main IP routing table and contains only the best routes. Considering the database of router R1, it would maintain a topology table which will have information about best route to Router R2 and R3.

The above mentioned features are offered and supported by VCL-MX-50xx family of IP/MPLS Routers.